To say that yoga has contributed significantly to my life, even saved it a time or two, would not be an exaggeration. Has it always been a love affair? Well, not exactly. I was an athlete in my younger years and, quite literally, my motto was “harder, stronger, faster!” Thus my relationship with yoga was, […]
The masks we wear…
I am going to kick today’s blog off a little differently, with the reading of a poem, of which I am not the author, gifted to me by my Psychiatrist, titled DON’T BE FOOLED BY ME. And you may wish to grab tissues and a seat for this one. Don’t be fooled by me, Don’t […]
Anxiety, a hostile takeover…
I have mentioned in my previous writings, that for the first time, along with my depression, I have been battling debilitating anxiety as well. Hence today’s blog title: Anxiety…a hostile takeover. I am certain this sentiment feels all to familiar to some of you too. Firstly, I wish to discuss the stats relative to anxiety in […]
Once and for all, commit to your worth and set yourself free…
unveil your bruises, kiss your scars, baby, to breathe free, dance zealously with your choices. – anamika raj FACT: If we choose to embrace life fully, there is absolutely NO WAY we are making it through this short, sweet and sassy adventure unscathed. We are also well aware, that not a one of us is […]